Decades before, the then Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, began his assault on the Mainstream Media, coining the term “Fake News”, there were thousands of people just like myself, who were awaking to the fact that the media was working against us, the public.

Unfortunately, Trumps good intention, in trying to inform the world of the corruption in the Media, was quickly and easily spun to what they do best…divide the public. The MSM took absolute advantage of this and reassured us they only dealt in truth and galvanized a large part of the population against  the idea of “Fake News”. The independent and alternative news sites were then demonized as conspiracy theorists and or Alt Right, with Major Social Media sites censoring any content their algorithms flagged as such.

If you as John Q. Public voice an opinion that differs from theirs you too are labeled and shamed, with the full fury of mob mentality created by the MSM emotional manipulation machine.

This tactic is not isolated to the idea of “fake News” but has also been used heavily with all the hot topics: Public Safety Guns, Race, Drugs War, Climate Change, Politics and the freshest in our minds, Vaccinations.

The MSM reports on these topics with a sensationalism that elicits emotional support from the public. They provide statistics, “experts”, Scientists and even Celebrities that all tell you theirs is the only answer. Despite the fact that “experts”, Statistics and VALID Science can be presented, by the opposition, in hopes of a productive dialogue, the MSM will usually choose to double down on its stance.

This doubling down also creates an emotional frenzy from the public that ultimately creates hostilities between the various factions of thought. The current social battlefield regarding vaccinations is a prime example. The MSM pushes Vaccines > Opposing Facts/evidence get dismissed and mocked by MSM > Mocking give confidence to MSM supporters who take up the cause and aggressively, with confident superiority, call out dissenters, some even going as far as calling to remove peoples right to choose.

Now, I used the above example only because it is currently a hot topics, but if we are honest with ourselves we can look back and see the same formula used over and over for all hot topics. I personally attribute a large part of the cause, in regards to our current states of social unrest, to the MSM.

Why do they create a narrative rather than simply reporting all the facts, and all the sides in an unbiased way?

Why does the narrative they create often mirror that of one political agenda or another?  

Why has the manipulation become more apparent over the last few years?

Why do they hate Trump so much?

But I digress.

No matter what your view on Trump himself is, I think we can identify that the majority of media seems to be very much opposed to him.  To me this statement is obvious but to many it may seem like a stretch. Thankfully we are starting to see MSM personnel speak out about this bias. CBS correspondent Lara Logan, who has 30 years journalism experience, recently spoke about this and acknowledges the bias exists on all range of topics but certainly more so in regards to Trump. ( here is a short sound byte, and the 30 min interview Logan did on the Mike Drop Podcast)

I  believe the coming weeks will bring a whole new level of bias and aggression as the MSM narrative is disintegrating rapidly. 

The Mueller, Russian collusion, report is slated to be disclosed to the public as early as next week and has the MSM, and the operators of the MSM machine, concerned. The Mueller report will most likely clear Trump of what the Media has told us they were certain of. This will force a loss of credibility for the MSM that could cripple them, not to mention a tweet from Trump just this morning stating that he will dismantle Fake News organizations over the next 6 years. I would think they are about to fight for survival like a cornered animal, and it will be us the general public that suffers for it.

With the above considered, I write to you today to urge you to be conscious of the emotions stirred by the News in the coming weeks, pay attention to what the big emotion reports are about as well as what is being omitted from the News, seek out a few independent journalists, from ALL SIDES of the spectrum. Expect the MSM to lash out even more about underground journalism, but know that these journalists are predominately good honest people that want to help people have access to all the information. Find some that resonate with you!  I will be watching closely and writing, about what I see, as well.

I will never tell you WHAT to think, just encourage you TO think.

~ Smo