With the recent arrest of, Wikileaks founder and long time exile, Julian Assange, there came a loud cry from the people to free Assange! Masses of cyber voices coming together in objection to what they believe is danger to freedom of the press, and Assange himself. And of course, most blame President Trump.

But is that what is actually going on?    I’m not that positive it is.

I see it as the Safest place for Assange to be right now.

Firstly we have to identify that both Assange and Trump are fighting the same war, but in different roles.

Assange is responsible for assisting in the release of secret information to combat Government corruption, via his organization, Wikileaks. Those actions are responsible for his 7 years in exile, under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy.  During that time Assange had mentioned the  possibility that he could be assassinated by the CIA, as well as “rumors” that Hillary Clinton had joked about killing Assange with a drone strike, during a White House meeting.

I understand why his supporters are concerned for his safety, but remember its a new administration. An administration that has, since the starting  block, been vocal about its stance and intended direction towards the same corruption, AKA the swamp, that Assange helped expose. Remember to that Assange threw a very big monkey wrench into the Hillary machine during the 2016 Presidential elections.


Why, after 7 years, did Assange lose his Political Asylum and get handed over to an administration that is now going on the offensive, against the above mentioned corruption? All of this just days after Attorney  General William Barr advised Capitol Hill of his belief that Spying had occurred against Trump during the elections.

I believe Julian is an asset and may even have additional information relevant to current and upcoming investigations. But, due to the amount of negative media Assange received during his time in exile and with his part in the DNC party upheaval, it would be easy for the media to  sell another false narrative to a public, who is a little to eager to prove their current president unfit.

I think instead we will see Assange stand a full public trial and be proven innocent to both the court and public. One could even hope full Pardon, after all Julian Assange plays a large part to anyone that believes in truth over power.

~ Smo

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