Who is General Flynn, and why is he so very important, Pt 1.

Who is General Flynn, and why is he so very important, Pt 1.

General Michael Flynn, Born Dec 24th, 1958 in Middletown Rhode Island, is a retired American Lieutenant General (3 Star) that served, with distinction, in Military intelligence, for the United States Armed Forces, from 1981 until Aug 7th, 2014. During this time, the...

Trump said WHAT!?!

Over the past couple of days, we have seen the world both, reel in horror, and laugh at the idea that, the American President, Donald Trump had told his viewers to inject Lysol as remedy. The Mainstream Media, Late Nights Hosts and Popstars, with the added support of...

Is Assange’s arrest, what you think it is?

With the recent arrest of, Wikileaks founder and long time exile, Julian Assange, there came a loud cry from the people to free Assange! Masses of cyber voices coming together in objection to what they believe is danger to freedom of the press, and Assange himself....

A week away, and the World has changed!

The past 10 days or so, I believe, has been a significant turning point in our history. The week brought with it verification on subjects I have long been trying to make people aware of, but that most just shrugged off, when I did. The past week highlights include,...

A Storm in the Forecast

Decades before, the then Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, began his assault on the Mainstream Media, coining the term “Fake News”, there were thousands of people just like myself, who were awaking to the fact that the media was working against us, the...
Even Gods need a rest ~ Slayer announces final tour

Even Gods need a rest ~ Slayer announces final tour

I woke this morning to a feed full of notifications that Slayer had announced its final tour. Like any lifelong fan of a band I was saddened by this news. Slayer has been a pillar of my musical world since I discovered them way back in 1989. I was an awkward 13 year...

The magical world of Mushrooms and Mycology

Its no secret that I have been a life long advocate of Psychedelics. With all my being I believe that there is an infinite amount of self learning, physical and mental healing as well as spiritual progression that can be obtained from each type of Psychedelic...

Lost in the woods

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 21:19 — 19.5MB) | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | More I go over my story of getting lost in woods after dark while Mountain biking. As well as continue with 75 Philosophical Questions #s 9-11 9. What...

Remembering Gord, Reflecting on the Hip

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 19:00 — 17.4MB) | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | More Gord, Its been a long time running Sir, but you now have Your 50 mission cap. You showed us Courage on your way to the Last American Exit, but We...