Due to Mainstream Medias lack of, or rather negative, attention to Pizzagate it is quite possible that some of you have already discarded the subject as a conspiracy, or fake news as it now appears to be labeled. I to had avoided the subject at first but something kept pulling me back and saying “HEY, LOOK AT ME!”. And quite truthfully it didn’t take long, once looking, to discover that there is more than enough to look deeper into the situation.

We have all seen the story try to come to light in the past but it never gained any real traction outside tabloids and daytime talk shows. I can recall an episode of Donahue (mid 80s-early 90s) as being my first introduction to child sex ring victims. They told stories that were to explicit and detailed to have simply been “made up” by children, but they were discarded as fantasy, simply based on the outlandish claims of satanic ceremony and or the involvement of people of high standing in the community.

When you can start looking at all the past stories that tried to get out, you can start to see a level of similarity that cannot be chalked up to simple coincidence, if you believe in coincidence at all….I do not.

In the age of information that we reside, it is quite easy to identify that a lot of public and political figures have ties to occult and secret societies, such as fraternities like Skull and Bones or a more nefarious involvement with the activities observed at Bohemian Grove. All of a sudden the likelihood that the those children who came out and tried to expose their tormentors could have been right all along.

The discovery of the pizzagate emails, through the efforts of Wikileaks, has been continually deflected as “fake news” or a political smear event, against the Hillary camp. Perhaps that is the case, but perhaps there is merit to what the emails imply? Should we not look at it more closely if there is even a slight chance that it could help one of the 2000 children that go missing each day in America alone.

The following video is a very quick but concise presentation of the growing amount of evidence and the people involved. The implications are grave indeed, but please have a watch and tell me your thoughts.
