General Michael Flynn, Born Dec 24th, 1958 in Middletown Rhode Island, is a retired American Lieutenant General (3 Star) that served, with distinction, in Military intelligence, for the United States Armed Forces, from 1981 until Aug 7th, 2014.

During this time, the General received over 20 awards and decorations for service, including the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star and the US Intelligence Community’s Gold Seal Medallion.

Over the course of his career, General Flynn, would serve in many different roles within the Military and Intelligence communities. As a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, XVIII Airborne Corps and Joint Special Operations Command he was deployed in the Invasion of Grenada, and operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti then took stations in Hawaii, Louisiana, and Arizona. From 2001 until 2011 General Flynn continued to move up the ranks to positions of command in the Intelligence sector, with titles such as Director of Intelligence of the U.S. Central Command, Director of Intelligence of the Joint Staff and the Director of Intelligence of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

In 2011 Flynn was promoted to 3 star Lieutenant General and assigned as the Assistant Director of National Intelligence within the ODNI. Less than a year later, on April 17th 2012, President Barack Obama promoted General Flynn to be the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, where he would serve until his retirement on August 7th, 2014.

In January of 2017 Retired, General Flynn was instated as the 25th National security Advisor by the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, even after a warning against the idea from President Obama, who stated he had “profound concerns” of Flynn being in a sensitive, high level national security post.

Unfortunately, Flynn would step down just 24 days later amid a scandal that would come to dominate a large part of President Trumps first term in regard to Russian tampering with the 2016 election.

Flynn, who was under investigation by U.S. Counterintelligence Agents for his communication with Russian officials, was subsequently accused of misleading the Vice President and lying to FBI agents during the investigation. Flynn, in response, issued this letter of resignation

Flynn, at the direction of his lawyers from Covington & Burling, plead guilty to “Willfully and Knowingly” making false, fictitious and fraudulent statements to the FBI, on December 1, 2017 in a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  The sentencing portion of this would be pushed back many times and eventually see Flynn part ways with his initial Lawyers, who he began to believe were not working in his best interest. He then retained Sydney Powell as new counsel and requested withdraw his plea of guilty.

This is about where the MSM version of this story would end, but recent developments will begin to paint an even darker picture.

On April 24th, 2020 after a two- and half-year absence from Twitter General Flynn publicized the declaration he had provided to the court for withdrawing the plea, on Jan 29th, 2020. please read.

In the declaration Flynn described, in his own words, that he had pleaded guilty initially as part of a plea deal that would protect his son from prosecution and also that if he did not take the plea he would be indicted the next day and face up to 15 years in prison. Flynn also explains that his Covington lawyers had continually pressured him towards the plea deal as well as ask if he had any dirt on President Trump to which he stated that he was unaware of any wrong doings by the President. Flynn advised that well after he plead guilty, he found out that the FBI agents that he had supposedly lied to, had all along stated that they did not believe Flynn had lied to them. Later still he learned that Former FBI Director James Comey and FBI Director McCabe had testified to Congress that they did not believe he lied to the FBI. Flynn was confused as to why his Lawyers had allowed him to plead guilty when they had known this at the time. Flynn asked them if he could withdraw his guilty plea to which they advised him to stick with the deal, “it was a good deal” and again reiterated that without the plea he would face many more charges. In late spring of 2019 Flynns Covington lawyers advised that he should seek new counsel, which he found in Sydney Powell, who immediately the conflict of interest.

Powell advised Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea and advised him that she believed that his previous lawyers had withheld pertinent information from them that she would seek out.

Just this past week Covington has released to Powell 6,800 that they “missed” during the Passover of counsel.

Also, just this past week it was reported that, through a separate investigation, exculpatory evidence has been found and that a full exoneration of Flynn is expected.  

In a press conference President Trump was asked about Flynn and if he would be brought back into the fold upon his exoneration….

In tomorrows follow up article I will dive into Trumps response as well as ask some of the why and how questions, surrounding Generals Flynn’s experience over the past two and a half years.
